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Research Tips

* Graduate Life

1. 7 Easy Ways to Fail a Ph.D. (PDF)

2. "10 Ways to Be a Successful PhD Student" by Anna Pitts (PDF)

3. "Lablife - Daydream and Discover" by Emily Sohn (PDF)

4. "Learning to Love Rejection" by Brian Martin (PDF)


* Reading and Writing a Paper

1. "How to Read a Scientific Paper" by Elisabeth Pain (PDF)

2. "Scientific Literature: Information Overload" by Esther Landhuis (PDF)

3. "Writing a Scientific Paper" by George M. Whitesides (PDF)

4. "4 Archetype Reasons for Editorial Rejection" by the Editors of Matter (PDF)

5. "Tips from a Pulitzer Prizewinner" by Van Savage and Pamela Yeh (PDF)

6. "Should Scientists Tell Stories", Editorial in Nat. Methods (PDF)

7. "We Editors Are Authors, Too", Editorial in ACS Energy Lett. (PDF)

8. " The Art of Writing the Title of Your Paper", Editorial in Chem. Mater. (PDF)

9. "Graphical Excellence", Editorial in J. Phys. Chem. Lett. (PDF)

10. "Absolute, Arbitrary, Relative, or Normalized Scale?" Editorial by ACS Energy Lett. (PDF)

11. "11 Steps to Structuring a Science paper Editors Will Take Seriously" by Angel Borja (PDF)

* Presentation

1. "Effective Presentations - A Must" by Craig J. Hawker (PDF)

2. "Designing Effective Scientific Presentation" by Susan McConnell (Youtube clip)

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